Your Instructor: Paul “River” Richardson
Paul River Richardson Bio-Architect, and Master Builder/trainer has over 2 decades in the Design and Construction industry. Rivers’ focus on Hemp Building has seen him highlighted on the Discovery Channel and other International Media outlets as he pushes for the adoption of Hemp Building into the mainstream construction industry with his pioneering Hemp projects in the United States and abroad.

River believes that Healthy Hemp Homes are the future of residential construction and is set to bring about a revolution in agriculture and construction that will see a marriage of the two and a return to true ecological solutions, where we literally learn to grow our own homes, whilst healing and regenerating our damaged eco-systems. River is passionate about teaching and sharing everything he has learned to inspire others to step into the Hemp Building space.

In addition to the hands-on training, you will also receive our online Hemp Building Course ($399 value)!! And lastly, this will be the first hemp build at our Haven Earth Texas Campus that will be made into a documentary film!

Join the team! Come have fun, learn a lot and become one of our certified builders to help us build out 100 + more hemp homes around the country!