Sergiy Kovalenkov speaks in front of a refugee housing center with 180 rooms built with hempcrete in Morshyn, Ukraine . Photo courtesy of Hempire UA

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By Hemp Today

Before Russia launched its senseless and brutal war on Ukraine, builder Sergiy Kovalenkov was well into a mission to bring environmentally friendly, healthy hempcrete living spaces to Ukrainian citizens.

With the war destroying homes in many parts of the country, Kovalenkov now finds that mission heightened as more and more Ukrainians are displaced.

Hemp. Ukraine. Recover.

The bombs haven’t stopped Kovalenkov, who has launched “Hemp. Ukraine. Recover.”, a non-profit fund aimed at providing sustainable hemp housing solutions and psychological help for citizens and veterans affected by the war. The initiative’s centerpiece is a 30-unit apartment complex now going up near Morshyn, a small city in the western part of the country, specifically for refugee families and orphans. The complex is the first of a three-phase project that incorporates the restoration of a former dairy building and new construction.

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Section A, now being built, will hold 30 apartments.

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“A lot of the projects we had planned were stopped and clients fled the country,” said Kovalenkov, the founder and CEO of construction company Hempire UA, Kyiv, which started building hemp houses in Ukraine in 2015. “There is a huge hit to the economy since millions of citizens are leaving with their savings.”

“Hemp. Ukraine. Recover.” has turned to crowdfunding to support the Morshyn development, where hempcrete is going up around a wooden frame for a structure designed by architect Roman Pomazan, who donated his services. Hurd sourced from Ukrainian farms is being mixed with a locally developed binder to go into the walls of the complex. Initial materials were donated by Hempire.

READ MORE at Hemp Today

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Originally published December 17, 2022 on Hemp Building Mag