Serbian Woman Builds Home-Grown Hemp Home

Vesna Alavanja poses in the kitchen of her new 65 sq. meter hempcrete home outside of Belgrade. Photo courtesy of Hemp Today

By Hemp Today

“It has long been my dream to make a natural home and create a self-sufficient household, and now I’ve done it,” says Serbian hemp grower and do-it-yourself builder Vesna Alavanja as she gazes through her hemp field at a cozy 65 sq. m. hempcrete house outside of Belgrade.

Nestled in the slopes of Mt. Kosmaj 35 miles from the capital, the structure is the first home built from hurd grown in Serbia, according to Alavanja.

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Designed by Belgrade architects BIRO 33, the build was completed in just 35 days following completion of a hurd supply sourced from Alavanja’s adjacent hemp field.

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Originally published April 25, 2022 on Hemp Building Mag