Homeland Hempcrete offers plans for a 150 sq ft pre-designed modular hempcrete wall system. Photo courtesy of Homeland Hempcrete

By Hemp Today

A North Dakota company has developed a building system based on inter-connecting pre-fabricated panels for the construction of single-story homes.

Homeland Hempcrete of Bismarck has entered into a proof-of-concept phase with a kit for a simple 150 sq. ft. structure now on the market, said Matt Marino, owner of the company.

“Once we show how the components fit together, and we’ve perfected the logistics, we can scale up both the sizes of the buildings and production,” Marino said.

Built-in frame

The modular system is based primarily on 3-ft by 8-ft wood frames that are lain flat and filled with a hempcrete mixture, then stored to cure for 30 days before being prepared for shipment to the building site. The panels, in thicknesses of 9 inches and 12 inches, can then be stood upright and connected, resulting in a double-stud, load-bearing skeleton.

READ MORE in Hemp Today

Hemp wall panels offered by Homeland Hempcrete. Image courtesy of Homeland Hempcrete

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Originally published March 9, 2022 on Hemp Building Mag
