Hemp Is Being Rediscovered By the Construction Industry

By Gary Fleisher

As a child of the 1960’s, t-shirts featuring hemp were the rage and everyone was fascinated with it. Little did we know back then that even though Hemp plants and marijuana plants are both the same species, hemp is not the same as marijuana.

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Far from it. It has been used in construction for centuries and is seeing a revival today as alternative building materials in both offsite factories and site construction. That doesn’t mean everyone in our industry understands how and where to use it.

That is why Dave Cooper, the largest vlogger in the construction industry, interviewed Hempitecture’s Founder and CEO Matthew Mead, who explains why hemp needs to be on builder’s and factory’s shopping lists. Co-host is Mandy Kerr from the Global Hemp Association.

“Why hemp? Who wakes up and says I’m gonna make something out of hemp?” Cooper asks. Hear Mead’s response here.

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Gary Fleisher is Editor in Chief of Modular Home Source. Email at modcoach@gmail.com

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Originally published December 3, 2021 on Hemp Building Mag
